The results of my blood test came back as negative for hormone levels indicating I was peri – menopausal despite having 28 of the 33 associated symptoms – see the list via the link below.
A blood test result is not conclusive because a negative result can arise for a number of reasons, not least because our hormones fluctuate throughout our cycle and even more so in the run up to menopause making it hard to tell what is actually going on.
I was lucky that my doctor – who is a menopause specialist – said we can’t ignore the many symptoms you have and was therefore willing to offer treatment to reduce my unmanageable symptoms which were significantly impacting my work, family and quality of life.
My advice to any women who are suffering symptoms which are impacting their lives is to book an appointment at your surgery requesting to talk to someone with specialist training and take the list with you. There is help available and you should not just suffer in silence. You’re not alone xx