Something’s been ‘off’ with me recently…
It’s official, at 43 I’ve hit Perimenopause. Also coined as ‘The Sexy Menopause’ although so far – I’ve got to be honest – not finding anything sexy about it….How do I know? Achey joints, fatigue, mind fog, forgetfulness, hot flushes, disturbed sleep and night sweats, anxiety, anger and irritability (even worse than normal!). It’s the gift that keeps on giving, and I’m lead to believe it’s likely to get a whole lot worse and could go on for years…..
Click here for an informative article if you want to find out more. A piece on my own experience will follow. Ladies, lets be open and honest about the enormous impact this has on our lives, work and relationships.Join me on my journey through perimenopause and beyond. I urge you to share your experiences too.